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The algorithm: creativity killer ✶ social media for artists

0 Views· 02/08/24
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Perhaps this is a little TMI for my usual viewers, but I need to get something off my chest...let's talk about social media for artists. How does it effect your art? This is just the beginning of the conversation, but something that weighs heavily on me. I was 13 when we first got internet at home. The slow dial-up kind. I was 19 when Facebook was invented. Perhaps growing up without social media embedded into my brain has given me a different outlook on it all. Well...I know it has. I have seen the shift in society over time. It’s odd that the internet has made the world more “connected” in one way, but I cannot escape the unsettling feeling that we are more disconnected than ever.

I think that is why I strive so hard to connect with my audience in a deeper way. To ignore the surface level matter and tap into something human again. It’s not easy to share something deeply personal with the internet, yet most artists do this on a daily basis. It’s not only uncomfortable to be vulnerable to so broad an audience. On top of that, we have to carefully label our art and are constantly encouraged to "niche down" to be more successful.

You see, the algorithm loves labels. It needs labels. It needs to organise things into different boxes that dont touch. When I share something outside of my usual box, the algorithm gets confused. It doesn’t know how to promote me or who to show my videos/posts to. (That’s the trouble of being made of 0’s and 1s). Artists on the other hand are diverse beings with diverse interests. I for one am inspired by nature, but the vastness of nature and all that it inspires cannot be contained within one box - or indeed one label. I am not one type of artist.

I like to share a broader picture of what moves me to create, to translate that feeling of being in a Scottish forest, igniting all the senses, so that no matter where you live in the world you might feel a bit of that peace. In this case, the sudden leap from my usual niche - “gouache landscape tutorials” - to another - “mythical creature watercolor” - is perhaps too much for the algorithm. It doesn’t know how to connect those boxes. And so, the video/post is shown to less people.

Of course, there are always exceptions, which usually happen because something in the video or the art spoke to the viewer on a deeper level regardless of the niche.

And it’s not easy to be fully aware of the consequences and still lack the desire to conform. It’s like walking over hot coals. You have to mentally prepare. The really successful artists make their fortunes on the back of consistency, and the really really successful artists usually stick to a single niche. Those of us who are very diverse and don’t conform to the algorithm’s demands will struggle to grow an audience, to make as many sales, to be a recognized name for something.

But is that a bad thing? I don’t think so.

In my case, that struggle has built up my resilience and determination. I’m proof that you can make a living being a diverse artist sharing all sorts of different things. No I’m not rich in the traditional sense, but I’m rich in spirit and inspiration and drive. Knowing I can pivot between different niches and not lose my audience completely is empowering. My videos or posts may have lower engagement, but that doesn’t make them less valuable. Each step of the journey is important.

I truly believe that sharing the whole picture of my journey - not just perfectly curated parts - will help me grow a more meaningful connection with my audience. I’ve already seen proof of that.

I encourage you to question your choices - what you paint, what you share, why you share. Keep yourself accountable. Social media is a slippery slope. It’s proven that you get a dopamine rush when you share things and people ‘like’ it or give a positive reaction. That is part of the addiction.

Perhaps someday the algorithm will not need to be so black and white. Perhaps it will recognize the need for diversity within niches...how very contrary! Until then, I'm not holding my breath. Instead, I'm doing what I love and sharing every damn bit of it.

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➤ Website: http://bit.ly/sburnsweb

➤ Help me re-wild Scotland, donate to Trees for Life: https://bit.ly/Sarahs-grove

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